Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Fred Harteis News Articles - You find plenty of lists out there of cars that get the best fuel economy. Those lists are easy to produce, but they aren't really of much use.
For example, the most fuel-efficient car on the market today is the Honda Insight, but do you really want to buy a rough-riding two-seater with no storage space? After all, you probably need your car to do more than just get you from one place to another. You might like to carry a few other people or some luggage. You might even want a little driving enjoyment from all those miles you're driving with each fill-up., the people who provide automotive data and content for CNN's automotive Web sites, has select vehicles in five categories that get very good fuel mileage but that are also otherwise outstanding automotive values. There's no point to buying a fuel-efficient car that doesn't pay off in other ways.
Here are five -- a luxury car, family sedan, sports car, crossover SUV and a subcompact -- that are smart buys and easy on fuel. For each category, we've also mentioned two alternatives.
None of the top cars are hybrids. That's because, with their added cost, hybrids aren't really a good value from a purely economic standpoint. But we've provided a hybrid choice in some categories for those who are willing to pay more to burn less fuel.
Luxury Vehicle - Mercedes-Benz E320 CDI
Family Sedan – Toyota Camry
Sports Car – Chevrolet Corvette
Crossover / wagon – Toyota Rav4
Compact Car – Toyota Corolla
About Fred Harteis: Fred Harteis leads Harteis International. Fred Harteis has a background in agriculture and has created many successful business ventures.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Fred Harteis – In business you constantly have to be optimistic and reach for all of your opportunities. Alexander Graham Bell’s quote below says it best.
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell : March 3, 1847-August 2, 1922 was a scientist, inventor, and founder of the Bell telephone company.
Fred Harteis and Linda Harteis are members of the IBOAI
Trade Association Facts:
IBOAI, the official trade association of Business Owners (Ibo’s), serves and protects the business interests of independent business owners. Association leadership includes Greg Duncan, Don Wilson, Billy Florence, Jody Victor.
About Diamond leadership: Billy Florence leads Team DCI International and founded Billy Florence’ Equad News . Fred Harteis owns Harteis International. Randy Haugen and Don Wilson lead Legacy Business Group. Jody Victor is founder of Markerman Productions.
Ron Puryear WWDB and Greg Duncan lead WWDB World Wide Dream Builders.
Jerry Harteis leads Harteis Associates.
© provided to Fred Harteis web blog by Esource Business News
Monday, May 29, 2006
Fred Harteis News articles - Thanks to an improving economy and healthy nationwide job creation, things are looking promising for the class of 2006.
Seventy percent of hiring managers say they plan to recruit recent college graduates in 2006, and one-in-four expect to hire more new grads than last year, according to's annual survey on college hiring.
While the job market is generally favorable, certain occupations are particularly new grad-friendly. In its 2006 spring salary survey, the National Association of Colleges and Employers ranked the top jobs for 2005-06 bachelor's degree graduates by the number of job offers reported. The following, listed with their average starting salaries, topped the heap:
Accounting (private) -- $45,817
Businesses are scrambling to expand their accounting departments to deal with new pressures from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and global expansion, said Blane Ruschak, national director of university relations at Big Four accounting firm KPMG. Young accountants are cashing in on these new jobs.
Management Trainee -- $38,482
Management trainee programs are intensive "boot camps" through which new graduates can learn about all facets of the organization, said Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources for This gives new hires from all educational backgrounds the benefit of shadowing others and getting more personalized training.
Financial/Treasury Analysis -- $46,335
Financial analysts help banks, insurance companies, mutual and pension funds, securities firms and other businesses make investment decisions, according to the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. To get hired, candidates need stellar math skills -- therefore, business, economics, finance and mathematics majors will find themselves especially in-demand. Once hired, financial analysts should expect long hours, but many earn large bonuses that substantially increase their earnings.
Sales -- $38,830
New graduates make excellent salespeople because they're high energy, driven to success and undaunted by rejection. They also save their employers training time, Haefner said. Students hoping to start a career in sales should get involved on campus and use their résumés to demonstrate how they've used the traits of a successful salesperson in their everyday lives -- for example balancing school and work or playing competitive sports, Haefner explained.
Project Engineering -- $50,365
Globalization is translating into more job opportunities for engineering graduates, said Karen Clark, who leads the engineering recruitment effort for Washington Group International, a leading integrated engineering, construction and management solutions company. "The engineering fields are in-demand now because of the multitude of projects to help improve living conditions throughout the world," she said.
Consulting -- $50,120
The consulting market is bouncing back to levels not seen since 1999 or 2000, and that's translating into more opportunities for new graduates at both the bachelor's and MBA levels, said Archstone Consulting's Lauren Shapiro said. New graduates are raw talent, she said. "We know we can mold them."
Teaching -- $30,377
Job growth, retiring teachers and high turnover are creating good opportunities for new graduates looking for teaching positions -- especially in special education, math, science, some foreign languages and computer sciences, said Reg Weaver, president of the National Education Association.
About Fred Harteis: Fred Harteis leads Harteis International. Fred Harteis has a background in agriculture and has created many successful business ventures.
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
Helen Keller (1880-1968) was quite possibly the most remarkable person ever to grace our planet. Left deaf and blind as a result of a childhood illness at the age of 19 months, Helen Keller nevertheless became an articulate spokesperson for the dignity of all individuals.
Fred Harteis is a member of the IBOAI
Trade Association Facts:
Fred Harteis and Linda Harteis are members of IBOAI
IBOAI, the official trade association of Business Owners (Ibo’s), serves and protects the business interests of independent business owners. Association leadership includes Greg Duncan, Don Wilson, Billy Florence, Jody Victor.
© 2005 electronic reprint permission provided to Fred Harteis web blog.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Putting the good of the organization above a personal agenda is an important habit to form. – Harteis
Fred Harteis: Earning Respect
When you don’t have strength within, you can’t earn respect without…Leaders earn respect by making sound decisions, admitting their mistakes, and putting what’s best for their followers and the organization ahead of their own personal agenda. – John Maxwell
Fred Harteis and Linda Harteis are members of IBOAI
Trade Association Facts:
IBOAI, the official trade association of Business Owners (Ibo’s), serves and protects the business interests of independent business owners. Association leadership includes Greg Duncan, Don Wilson, Billy Florence, Jody Victor.
© 2006 reprint permission to Fred Harteis source Web log
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Fred Harteis
Fred Harteis business article, small business web use grows. Harteis Business Insights: Small Business Web Use Growsby Fred Harteis
Small business owners say web sites, search engine key words, and community relations activities are the top three business drivers, according to Interland’s annual “Business Barometer” survey. The surge has become main stream…
Fred Harteis, Reviews
Fred Harteis reviews business classic greatest salesman. This is the sequel to the Og Mandino inspirational motivational classic, Greatest Miracle In The World. Og Mandino is a master story teller. As you enjoy each page, you’ll find that the book has remarkably little to do with being a great salesman.
About Fred Harteis
Fred Harteis’ background in construction and agri-business laid Harteis’ business foundation. Under Fred’s leadership and vision, Harteis businesses have grown exponentially.
Fred Harteis
Fred Harteis article provides Leadership lessons and insights into Abraham Lincoln’s powerful and motivational leadership style.
© 2005 Fred Harteis weblog
We are people of faith. If we weren’t no one would ever climb aboard an airplane. Most of us don’t understand how aerodynamics work but we expect to climb out of that metal tube at some destination city. That’s faith and it’s important. That's why we're providing some quick quotes on the subject." Fred Harteis, Jody Victor
Fred Harteis, Jody Victor : Quick Quote Favorites: FAITH
Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. – Henry Ward Beecher
Faith is reason grown courageous. – Sherwood Eddy
Sherwood Eddy
He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly. – B. C. Forbes
B. C. Forbes
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Fred Harteis and Linda Harteis are members of IBOAI
Trade Association Facts:
IBOAI, the official trade association of Business Owners (Ibo’s), serves and protects the business interests of independent business owners. Association leadership includes Greg Duncan, Don Wilson, Billy Florence, Jody Victor.
© 2006 Esource News reprint permission to Fred Harteis web blog
Friday, May 26, 2006
The winning combination is thoughts combined with right action. This allows a business person to get the best of both. – Fred Harteis
A Fred Quick Quote Favorite
He who has imagination without learning has wings and no feet. – Joubert
The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. HW Beecher
Fred Harteis and Linda Harteis are members of IBOAI. Harteis owns Harteis International, a global tech firm.
Keywords: Harties, Fred Harties, Jerry Harteis, Business world
© 2005 provided to Fred Harteis blog by Esource Business News
by Fred Harteis
When working with my potential or developing leaders, I keep the four A’s in mind. The letters remind me to Accept, Approve, Applaud and Appreciate.
Accept means that I accept my responsibility as the leader. I model the behavior that I want to see in my team.
The next three A’s remind me that people tend to thrive in an atmosphere where they are Accepted, Approved, and Applauded. Potential leaders will take risks and learn lessons if they are not penalized for the behavior.
Great leaders in every field know that acquiring and keeping good people is a leader’s most important task. Equipment tends to loose its value. People are assets. They can grow and add more value over time if the leader understands helps to develop their potential. That’s our focus at Harteis International and Harties Associates.
About columnist Fred Harteis
Information: Fred Harteis, owns Harteis International and serves on the Independent Business Owner Association International (IBOAI) board. A background in construction and agri-business laid Harteis’ business foundation. Under Fred’s leadership and vision, Harties businesses like Harteis Associates have grown exponentially.
Keywords: Fred Harteis, Harteis International, Jerry Harteis of Harteis Associates, Business News
© 2005 provided to Fred Harteis blog by Esource News.
by Fred Harteis
If you yet haven’t watched video, movie clips or listened to audio on your wireless phone or other device, it is coming. The young adult audience is the most likely market. According to IDC From a technological point of view, a compelling video and audio experience over wireless networks and devices has arrived. IDC predicts that by 2009, over 30 million US wireless subscribers will be consuming commercial video/TV content and services over their wireless devices.
Like any new idea, there will be challenges. Some of the major challenges facing the commercial video and television marketplace will come from a content availability, network and handset capability. This combination is likely to keep penetration/use levels relatively low. However, IDC anticipates that annual revenue will still top the $3 billion mark within the next four years. It’s definitely a growth industry.
About columnist Fred Harteis
Information: Fred Harteis, owns Harteis International and serves on the Independent Business Owner Association International (IBOAI) board. A background in construction and agri-business laid Harteis’ business foundation. Under Fred’s leadership and vision, Harties businesses like Harteis Associates have grown exponentially.
Keywords: Fred Harteis, Harteis International, Jerry Harteis of Harteis Associates, Business Wireless News
© 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Don Wilson and Nancy Wilson Mother's Day Moment: "I remember my Mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life." - Abraham Lincoln
About -Don Wilson and Nancy Wilson
Don Wilson owns and operates Wilson Enterprises, Inc. Wilson is a part owner of Legacy Business Group and serves on their Board of Directors. His previous experience as a Varsity Basketball Coach has provided a foundation that has aided him in developing successful businesses of several interests. Wilson Enterprises, Inc. has always been thought of as a family company. The Wilson children, Suzanne Wilson Dawson, Jenny Wilson, and John Wilson, have been involved in supporting this international organization.
Don Wilson and Nancy Wilson are members of IBOAI
IBOAI, the official trade association of IBO's. serves and protects the business interests of independent business owners leadership includes Greg Duncan, Don Wilson, Billy Florence, Jody Victor.
Billy Florence leads Team DC Inernational. Billy Florence owns Equad News Fred Harteisowns Harties International.
Key words: Jody Victor Billy Florence, Fred Harteis, Greg Duncan, Ron Puryear, Don Wilson
© 2006 Esource News reprint permission to web blog
Billy Florence and Peggy Florence: " God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." - Jewish Proverb
About - Billy Florence and Peggy Florence
Billy Florence is an Air Force Veteran, and Georgia Tech graduate. Mr. Florence is a successful entrepreneur. His business interests include a global technology firm, construction, retail, development, entertainment, and media - including the service business ezine, Billy Florence E-Quad News
Billy Florence and his wife Peggy Florence reside in Stuart, Florida. They have three children, Hope Florence, Rich Florence, and Jay Florence.
Billy Florence serves on the board of multiple non-profit and philanthropic organizations, including Gospel COM (, IBOAI, and the American Dream Academy.
Billy Florence Peggy Florence are members of IBOAI
IBOAI, the official trade association of IBO's. serves and protects the business interests of independent business owners leadership includes Greg Duncan, Don Wilson, Billy Florence, Jody Victor.
Billy Florence leads Team DC Inernational. Billy Florence owns Equad News Fred Harteis owns Harties International.
Key words: Jody Victor Billy Florence, Fred Harteis, Greg Duncan, Ron Puryear, Don Wilson
© 2006 Esource News reprint permission to web blog
Fred Harteis and Linda Harteis Great Mothers of American History
"All that I am, my Mother made me." John Quincy Adams
About - Fred Harteis and Linda Harteis
Fred Harteis, owns Harteis International and North American business technology firm, Biznet Productions. A background in construction and agri-business laid Hateis' business foundation. Under Fred Harteis' leadership and vision, his businesses have grown exponentially.
Harteis International is a family company. Harteis' children, Tonya Harteis, Fred Harteis Jr., and Annie Harteis Brescia support the company's world-wide operations.
Fred Harteis and Linda Harteis are members of IBOAI
IBOAI, the official trade association of IBO's. serves and protects the business interests of independent business owners leadership includes Greg Duncan, Don Wilson, Billy Florence, Jody Victor.
Billy Florence leads Team DCI International. Billy Florence owns Equad News Fred Harteisowns Harties International.
Key words: Jody Victor Billy Florence, Fred Harteis, Greg Duncan, Ron Puryear, Don Wilson Claude Hamilton, Mark Crawford Tammy Crawford
© 2006 Esource News reprint permission to Fred Harteis Billy Florence views web blog
Billy Florence , "Each person we meet is in need of encouragement."
There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success. - George Matthew Adams
Rich Florence, "Kindness is a choice we make when in dealing with people. "
Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. - Theodore Isaac Rubin, MD
About - Billy Florence
Billy Florence and Rich Florence are members of IBOAI
IBOAI, the official trade association of IBO's serves and protects the business interests of independent business owners leadership includes Greg Duncan, Don Wilson, Billy Florence, Jody Victor.
Billy Florence leads Team DCI International. Billy Florence owns Equad News
Key words: Jody Victor Billy Florence, Rich Florence Fred Harteis, Ron Puryear, Don Wilson
© 2006 Esource News reprint permission