Thursday, February 15, 2007

Fred Harteis News Articles - 10 Jobs That Will Fade by 2012

Fred Harteis News Articles - While there are indications that the economy is swelling and many industries are projected to grow in the coming years, there are also signs that some occupations are becoming obsolete.

Here are some of the jobs expected to severely decline between now and 2012 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Farmers and Ranchers
This dwindling occupation will see the largest decrease or all sectors, losing 250,000 jobs by 2012. The complexity of modern farming and keen competition among farmers leaves little room for the marginally successful farmer. Therefore, the long-term trend toward consolidation of farms into fewer and larger farms is expected to continue displacing small independent farmers.

Sewing Machine Operators/ Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Tenders
Apparel workers have been among the most rapidly declining occupational groups in recent years. Increasing imports, the use of offshore assembly and greater productivity through new automation will contribute to additional job losses.

Word Processors and Data-Entry Keyers
This sector of workers is expected to decline due to the proliferation of personal computers. Employment growth of data entry keyers will still be dampened by productivity gains, as various data-capturing technologies, such as bar code scanners, voice recognition technologies and sophisticated character recognition readers become more prevalent. In addition, employment of these workers will be adversely affected by businesses that are increasingly contracting out their work.

Stock Clerks and Order Fillers
The growing use of computers for inventory control and the installation of new, automated equipment are expected to inhibit growth in demand for stock clerks and order fillers, especially in manufacturing and wholesale trade industries whose operations are most easily automated. Firms in these industries are relying more on computerized inventory systems, sophisticated conveyor belts, automatic high stackers to store and retrieve goods and the use of automatically guided vehicles.

Secretaries (Except Legal, Medical and Executive)
Automated equipment is changing the distribution of work in many offices. Professionals and managers increasingly do their own word processing and data entry, and handle much of their own correspondence rather than submit the work to secretaries and other support staff. Also, in some law and medical offices, paralegals and medical assistants are assuming some tasks formerly done by secretaries and others are "sharing" secretaries and administrative assistants.

Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers
As manufacturers strive to improve precision and productivity, automated machinery increasingly will be used to perform work more economically and more efficiently. Technological advances should continue raising the productivity of assembly workers and adversely affecting their employment. And, many producers send their assembly functions to countries where labor costs are lower.

Computer Operators
Advances in technology have reduced both the size and cost of computer equipment, while increasing the capacity for data storage and processing automation. The expanding use of software that automates computer operations gives companies the option of making systems more user-friendly, greatly reducing the need for operators.

Telephone Operators
Developments in communications technologies -- particularly voice recognition systems that are accessible and easy to use -- will continue to have a significant impact on the demand for switchboard operators. Electronic communication through the Internet or e-mail provides alternatives to telephone communication and requires no operators.

Postal Service Mail Sorters and Processing-Machine Operators
The demand for such clerks will be offset by the use of electronic communications technologies and private delivery companies. The number of these workers is expected to decline because of the increasing use of automated materials handling equipment and optical character readers, barcode sorters and other automated sorting equipment. Advanced sorting systems, longer routes and centralized delivery will also reduce the demand for postal workers.

Travel Agents
An increasing reliance on the Internet to book travel, as well as industry consolidation, will continue to reduce the need for travel agents. Also, airlines no longer pay commissions to travel agencies, which has weakened revenues and caused some agencies to go out of business.


About Fred Harteis: Fred Harteis leads Harteis International. Fred Harteis has a background in agriculture and has created many successful business ventures.