Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fred Harteis News Articles - Bosses' 10 biggest sins

Fred Harteis News Articles - If you're reading this at work, and your boss walks by, you have two choices: Hide the screen (now would really be best), or exclaim loudly that you can't believe how lucky you are to work for someone who defies every awful boss stereotype there is.

Point out, for instance, that nothing about your manager's leadership style shows up in the following list of top 10 "boss sins" identified in a survey of 900-plus employees by HR consulting firm Development Dimensions International and Badbossology.com.

Tries too hard to be everyone's friend
Ignores conflict
Unable to delegate

Then emphasize how many of the traits on the surveyed employees' "wish" list that your boss does possess:

Trust in one's employees
Great team-building skills
Effective coaching skills
The ability to say "no"
A broader perspective
Decision-making skills
If your manager is a woman, skip the part about how 70 percent of respondents between the ages of 34 and 45 said they'd prefer to work for a man.

If your manager is a man, breeze right by the fact that more male bosses than female bosses were criticized for having a lack of leadership skills.

Worst ways to get fired
And if your manager is younger than you, best not to bring up the survey's finding that workers 45 and older would prefer to work for a manager their age, even though close to half of them in reality have a younger boss.

Source: Cnn.com

About Fred Harteis: Fred Harteis leads Harteis International. Fred Harteis has a background in agriculture and has created many successful business ventures.