Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Fred Harteis News - PlayStation murder case plagued by paperwork error

Fred Harteis News - Officials dismissed a murder charge Tuesday against a sheriff's deputy accused of shooting and killing an unarmed teenager who authorities believed had stolen video game consoles.

A grand jury foreman said he had checked the wrong box on the indictment paperwork, triggering the dismissal.

Monday New Hanover County District Attorney Ben David had announced Cpl. Christopher Long, 34, would face a second degree murder charge.

David said the sheriff's deputy opened fire as police raided the home of 18-year-old Peyton Strickland.

Police suspected the teen stole two Sony PlayStation 3 video game consoles from a college student in Wilmington.

The grand jury foreman told a court Tuesday that he checked the wrong box on the indictment form by mistake, according to an order signed Tuesday by Superior Court Judge Ernest Fullwood.

The foreman learned about the mistake after other jury members heard about it from media reports.

A copy of the indictment filed as evidence Tuesday shows a check next to "true bill" indictment, with a heavy mark made through "not a true bill," followed by what appears to be the foreman's initials and Tuesday's date.

When a grand jury wants a murder indictment, it returns a "true bill." When it decides it does not want to issue an indictment, it returns "not a true bill."

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Source: Cnn.com

About Fred Harteis: Fred Harteis leads Harteis International. Fred Harteis has a background in agriculture and has created many successful business ventures.