Monday, September 11, 2006

Fred Harteis News Articles - Solemn tributes mark 9/11's fifth anniversary

Fred Harteis News Articles - Five years after the worst terrorist attack on American soil, President Bush on Monday saluted the nearly 3,000 people who were killed on September 11, 2001.

On a drizzly, chilly day near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Bush exchanged hugs and greetings with people who lost family members onboard United Airlines Flight 93.

That airliner crashed in a field after passengers fought back against four hijackers who were steering the plane toward Washington -- the fourth commercial jet destroyed that morning in 2001.

The president and first lady Laura Bush laid a wreath at the site in tribute.

In New York, families and friends who lost loved ones at the World Trade Center gathered at Ground Zero for a solemn ceremony.

The commemoration included four moments of silence -- two for the times that hijacked planes hit the twin towers and two for when the burning buildings collapsed into mountains of rubble, killing thousands of people working there and first responders who were trying to rescue them. (Watch family members observe moment of silence -- :50)

"We've come back to remember the valor of those we lost, those who innocently went to work that day and the brave souls who went in after them," former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said.

The ceremony also included the reading of the names of the 2,749 victims at the trade center site by about 200 of their spouses, partners and significant others.

The first moment of silence came at 8:46 a.m. ET, the moment American Airlines Flight 11 slammed into the trade center's north tower; followed at 9:03 a.m., when United Flight 175 struck the south tower; then at 9:59 a.m., when the south tower fell; and finally at 10:29 a.m., when the north tower collapsed.

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About Fred Harteis: Fred Harteis leads Harteis International. Fred Harteis has a background in agriculture and has created many successful business ventures.