Monday, August 21, 2006

Fred Harteis News Articles - Top Retirement Jobs

Fred Harteis News Articles - As baby boomers prepare to enter retirement, many aren’t ready to follow the same path as their predecessors. This generation of retirees is well educated, vibrant and as life expectancy continues to rise, many are not prepared to idly spend this fruitful time of their life in the typical retirement fashion.

Defying tradition, this generation of retirees is more likely to pursue post-retirement jobs that utilize their experience, enact a positive change, but allow part-time hours, flexibility and bring in a paycheck. When retirees volunteer, they often feel that their skills are not fully utilized. With a paycheck or stipend, retirees believe their work will be valued by their employers and their skills less likely to be squandered.

Top Retirement Job Rankings

The first group includes jobs that use the skills you have gained over your working career. These may be used at a company or within a civic or non-profit organization where you can have a tremendous impact on your community.

These Top Jobs include:

Administrative Assistant
Assistant Librarian
Associate Professor
Board Administrator
Marketing Specialist
Organizational Development Consultant
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Volunteer Coordinator

Good News for All

Retiree eagerness to work is good news for many companies and organizations. Whether it is filling gaps at public schools, training the next generation of leaders, or helping organizations perform better, this generation of retirees has the experience necessary to make a positive impact on our private, public and non-profit institutions.

Organizations like ReServe Inc. are aiming to place this next generation of skilled retirees into positions where they will contribute to public and non-profit organizations while achieving personal satisfaction. They assert that there is an "unprecedented opportunity for our civic institutions to harness the strengths of this skilled and experienced work force to strengthen the capacity of these institutions to accomplish their missions and benefit society."

Looking for Rest and Relaxation? These Jobs Are For You

Despite the interest and increasing number of post-retirement careers, many retirees still prefer to collect their reward for years of hard work – travel, rest and relaxation. You may pursue a job for supplemental income, but it is more important that you also have maximum flexibility and freedom.

In addition to pursuing a lifelong hobby or passion, some of the top jobs that allow for part-time status and involve less stress include:

Animal Groomer
Counter Attendant
Customer Service Representative
Home Care Nurse / Aide
Real Estate Appraiser
Retail Cashier


About Fred Harteis: Fred Harteis leads Harteis International. Fred Harteis has a background in agriculture and has created many successful business ventures.