Sunday, June 04, 2006

Fred Harteis News Articles – Quick Business Quote

Fred Harteis News Articles – Brain Tracy says it best, you have to create your own success in this world.

“People create their own success by learning what they need to learn and then by practicing it until they become proficient at it.” ~ Brian Tracy

Fred Harteis and Linda Harteis are members of the IBOAI

Trade Association Facts:

IBOAI, the official trade association of Business Owners (Ibo’s), serves and protects the business interests of independent business owners. Association leadership includes Greg Duncan, Don Wilson, Billy Florence, Jody Victor.

About Diamond leadership: Billy Florence leads Team DCI International and founded Billy Florence’ Equad News . Fred Harteis owns Harteis International. Randy Haugen and Don Wilson lead Legacy Business Group. Jody Victor is founder of Markerman Productions.

Ron Puryear WWDB and Greg Duncan lead WWDB World Wide Dream Builders.

Jerry Harteis leads Harteis Associates.

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